There is an easy way and a hard way
to live life; and interestingly, the difference between these two has surprisingly
little to do with external circumstances.
So often we assume that we need to
change the external situation to be happy. We think “If only I had a better
job, different government, more sun….. THEN I would be happy” If being happy
involves changing the government, our job, other people, or the weather, we are
setting ourselves some very big obstacles to getting there! And then one of two
things tends to happen. We either put loads of energy into trying to change
something that is very difficult to change; or, we give up and assume we can
never be happy.
The key to living life the
easy way is to identify what it is we can change, and what we can’t. And then
direct our energy into the things we CAN change.
When you want something to be
different in your life, try asking yourself:
“Can I actually change this?”
If not, “What DO I have
influence over?”
Generally we have most
influence over ourselves, our choices and actions, and our state of mind. We
have very little influence over other people, and trying to change other people
tends not to work out too well! And as our influence over the government, world
events etc tends to be small, we will get further in changing things if we
focus on what WE can do rather than worrying about what others are not doing.
You might think you don’t
have influence over your state of mind, but you do! Here are two simple ways of
discovering this.
do some exercise, go for a walk, do something fun; and check out how
differently you feel afterwards.
about someone you are fed up with, and look for 3 good things about them. How
does that change how you feel about them?
There are many things in life
we have no control over, but we ALWAYS have control over how we respond to