Tuesday, 30 May 2017

“300 days after the Lightning Process I climbed Snowdon!”

This was the heading one of my clients sent me recently. She did the Lightning Process course for fibromyalgia, and transformed the chronic pain that she used to experience.

She continued;

“That’s not just climbing Snowdon, that’s climbing with a smile! I really enjoyed it. I felt strong and healthy and amazing.
Proof LP works if you work really hard. So many things have changed, and I’ve changed so many things, and I feel great for it. Looking forward to my next 300 days.”


Isn’t it amazing that something as real and physical as chronic pain can be changed? Yet pain consultants and researchers now know that most of what we used to think about pain is wrong. They have produced this fun and interesting 5 minute video for clients, which shows how much of an overlap there now is between the medical profession’s understanding of chronic pain and what the Lightning Process does.

As I say a little bit more about the “p” word, I am going to call it “sensation” instead. This is because our brain understands words one at a time, by imagining what each word means and then releasing chemical messages in response: so if I use a word a lot of times, that is a lot of possibly unhelpful messages about that subject whizzing round your body! Also, the majority of what I say applies equally well to other unhelpful sensations the body experiences, like tinnitus and vertigo.

The video explains that all sensation is experienced in the brain, and that beyond 3 – 6 months, any tissue damage has healed as far as it can be. Sensation’s purpose is to communicate – warn – so as to protect cells from damage, so long term sensation stops serving its original protective purpose. It has become more about the over-sensitivity of the nervous system. Sensation signals are being sent when there is no need for them. Our brain is trying to help us, but sometimes it gets it wrong. “To change it, you need to retrain the brain and the nervous system.”

And retraining the brain and nervous system is exactly what the Lightning Process is so good at helping you to do. This 2 minute video by Phil Parker about neuroplasticity and sensation shows this very simply. Neuroplasticity, by the way, is the way in which the brain changes in response to how it is used.

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