Have you ever missed the last bus or
train home? You might have felt panicky, scared and flustered, telling yourself
‘everything’s gone wrong’: or, you might
have calmly started to think through possible solutions. Or, has your boss /
teacher ever told you that you need to do a presentation to lots of people –
tomorrow! Did you immediately start to run around like a headless chicken? Or
did you decide you’d do your best and it’d be good enough? We are faced every
day with events that we need to respond to, and choices about how to respond.
Is stress good for us?
Clients often ask me ‘Isn’t a bit of
stress good for us?’ or ‘Don’t we need some adrenaline to get us going? I’d
never get anything done otherwise’. And it’s true that a state of deep
relaxation and calm – while lovely to experience – is not going to be the best
state to be in when responding to situations like these. But what do we
actually mean when we talk about stress or adrenaline? There is a lot of
confusion that goes on here, because there are actually TWO states involved.
What many people refer to as ‘stress’
is that state where you feel threatened
by a situation: the result is often feeling rushed, snappy, not able to think
straight, not sleeping … Sound familiar? Ironically, being in this state does
nothing to help us resolve a problem or be at our best!
But there is another much more useful
option, a motivated ‘rising to the
challenge’ state. And this is the one that enhances our performance, and enables
us to think clearly and problem solve.
The key to which state we are in
seems to lie in how we THINK about the situation, whether we see it as a threat
or a challenge. This makes all the difference to how we respond and the results
we achieve, but interestingly it also
makes a difference to what goes on in the cells of our body.
So how do we know whether we are in
the challenge state or the threat state? Here are a few pointers.
The threat state involves:
· Focusing on the negative.
· Imagining and fearing the worst that
could happen.
· Feeling like you can’t do anything
about it.
· This actually means that your
performance gets worse just when you want to be at your best.
The challenge state involves:
· Believing you will be able to find a
way through.
· Being curious: ‘How will I resolve
· Then looking for solutions and
opportunities, focusing on what you want.
· You have calm energy, focus and concentration,
so you are at your best.
The science bit
Interestingly (if you like science!)
there is some new scientific evidence to show that your body produces different
hormones depending on whether you think there is a challenge or a threat. In
both, your heart rate increases, but in the challenge state adrenaline is
produced, which expands your blood vessels to accommodate the extra blood; so
your blood pressure does not go up. When you think you are being threatened,
this sends different messages to your body, cortisol is the main hormone
produced, and adrenaline production is actually inhibited. Without the adrenaline
your blood vessels do not expand, and your blood pressure rises. Cortisol (the
‘stress hormone’) is known to be involved in a range of health problems,
especially when it is around long term.
All of this is your body responding
to what you think about what happens
to you!
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